Phew, what an awesome weekend!! I think our country is still on a high from winning the world cup!! We are still celebrating!! Here are a few silly photos!- especially put here for Kim, as I said I would- haha
A few of you have asked about how my son Wesley is doing after his op. He is absolutely fine and back at work. His nose is perfect, he can breath again
This is what he looked like straight out of surgery. I wrote a short diary entry for a challenge on that day, now I am really terrible at journaling!

I used Ninascraps awesome set of kits, Bright Side of Life, available at Oscraps
And this is him now (with his girlfriend Alexia) . Still some swelling, which could last up to 3 months.
But life is not all great here. We have 2 old ladies, black lab retrievers, who are now 10 years old. One of them ,Roxy, has been diagnosed with diabetes, she has lost so much weight and went blind in a matter of weeks. I have to inject her every day with insulin and I have put them both on the diabetic diet. But sadly I see her deteriorating before my eyes, and I am facing the fact that we will probably have to put her down soon. 10 years is a long time, they are like children to us, and I really cry every time I think about having to loose her.
This is Roxy in better days.
On a brighter note, I am being featured on the website- World Scrapping Tour on Friday! What an honour and a privilege, I am really excited about it!
And I am on a new CT, Mari Koegelenberg, the owner of Snap and Scrap. Her designs are awesome and I can't wait to get started! We are off on a long weekend to the other side of the country, Somerset West, to at long last furnish the house we have been renovating for the last few months. Hope we can get it all done in 4 days!! And of course I will be seeing Bonnie, who I have not seen in ages!! Can't wait to have a glass or two of wine with her and a long chat,we have a lot of catching up to do! Bon and I have also collaborated in a newsletter freebie for her newsletter at the end of this month. Here is my contribution:
And this is what the whole kit looks like, plenty of adorable doodles by Bon!! If you have not signed up for Bonnie's newsletter, there is still time. Pop on over to her blog and sign up, and you will get her interesting newsletter every month, along with this freebie and freebies every month!
Ok, enough from me now!! Here is the celebration freebie I promised!! Just something small as I have been extremely busy!! It will go with the Newsletter freebie as I used similar colours.
Enjoy,download HERE, and thanks so much for all your comments, I so love and appreciate them.