On 12 April Mark and I were married for 24 years!! Time flies, it feels just like the other day!We have been through the normal ups and downs of marriage bit I think these days to stay married for so long is no small feat!
As I mentioned we went to Mozambique for 10 other friends of ours to camp at a place called Ponte Malengane, about an hours drive from the border. We planned to drive up in 3 cars, 4 per car, pulling trailers. As we were all packed and ready early Wednesday evening we decided to leave right then and there. 2 of the cars carrying 8 of us left earlier to put in petrol and we planned top meet them on the road. About half an hour later we heard that they had been involved in a horrific 20 car pile up involving a cement truck who lost control and plowed into the traffic. Only 2 people were killed, and although our friends cars were damaged they were all fine. They sat in the traffic from 10pm that night until 10am the next morning before the accident was cleared and they could continue. We in the meantime left with the other 2 , and arrived the next day at 3pm in Mozambique. The funny thing was all of our clothes were with the others at the accident, so the 4 of us stayed in the same clothes from Wednesday night until Friday night when the others arrived! Of course we did shower, but I was so happy to be able to change out of those clothes. We had a fabulous few days, the weather was awesome and we had so much fun, came home exhausted!!! Here are a few photos of the accident!

On a happier note here a few photos of Mozambique! Just after the border the roads are very sandy and of course we got stuck. A few of the locals helped us, it was boiling hot. 

Setting up camp, luckily we had our tents, mattresses and sleeping bags, and of course we had our "bar"!!

Our friends,Wes ansd Riana who we traveled with:
The beach was a 30 second walk away!
Then it was time for cocktails on the deck, the local drink is rum and raspberry, or an R&R as it is affectionately known!
View of the sunset from the beach, quite proud how these turned out!

Then it was an early supper and straight to bed, I think it was about 9pm!! This is the next morning, R&R's for breakfast!!
Then we decided to make our way back to the border to meet the rest of the party, and ended up at a place called 360 Degrees for more cocktails, such a beautiful view, a pity the pool was green!

Further up the road we came across a tiny bar dedicated to Mark's favourite rugby team, the Sharks, so that is where we ended up until the rest of the crowd found us haha

We got the rest of the camp set up, there was a huge storm and we all fell into bed early, only to be woken up a few hours later by my middle son who had just had a car accident back in South Africa, but it was a bumper bashing and he was fine,although they insisted taking him to hospital by ambulance. So we did not get much sleep for the rest of the night!
Then it was up early on Saturday morning, some of the guys went for a dive, the rest of us made breakfast, then off to 360 Degrees to watch the Rugby!
I took hundreds of photos there, as there was such an amazing party spirit, the game was hilarious as the Sharks unexpectedly lost badly, and we were teased mercilessly for wearing Shark's T shirts! Here are just a few!

At this stage I forgot I had a camera! hahaha, we ended up by having a fantastic seafood supper at a restaurant and went clubbing until all hours, it was such fun!! Up again fairly early on Sunday, and spent the entire day on the beach, I hardly took a photo as I just did not think about it!!
The day ended off in a seafood barbecue, early to bed, to get up early and leave for home, which was a 13 hour trip!
It has taken me some time to recover from too many R&R's and too much traveling! Kids are back to school, and I am slowly getting back into my routine!
Here are a few more gorgeous LO's with my latest collab with A+ Designs,Holly's Spring Treasures. There are just too many to show them all now!
By Nancy
By Marissa
By Dani
By Pamela
By Kim
By Bonnie
Bonnie has this gorgeous QP freebie on her blog, don't forget to leave her some love if you download it!
Well, thats all for today (phew!!)More LO's tomorrow! I will have a freebie up on my blog tomorrow so don't forget to come back to grab it.