The day finally arrived, Sunday 28th August, Wesley 23rd birthday as well as him leaving for the Netherlands. It was a sad day but after speaking to him last night I can hear he is happy and excited to be there. Here are a few photos from his farewell party on Friday night.

Some new LO's by me- not that many this week!
With Lovin Nature: Picture Designs

Masked 10:RuthMelody Designs

Make My Day Templates by Designed by Jellebelleke's

Designer Stash 5

Designer Stash 6

Mariscrap has a gorgeous new kit in her store today- Fragaria

My LO's

I turned the one above into a QP freebie with the permission of Mariscrap, if you would like it

And another LO of Paula Abdul I created with the help of Cherye who is a huge fan!(Credits:L'elu de mon Coeur:Manue Designs Time Anew: KimB Designs Playing with Wordart 2: Natali Design)

And lastly some photos of Monty, still growing LOL. He is 8 and a half months old, at 8 months he weighed 47kgs (103.4 lbs)

Have a great week!!