Only 4 weeks to go now, and feeling great, hoping the op has worked, it feels like it, but only time will tell. I have a new respect for people on crutches and in wheelchairs, even a normal day to day event becomes a task.
Jackson had his stitches out, but unfortunately had another growth removed from his neck, the size of a pea, we don't know yet if it is also the cancer, but they cut right down into his muscle and surrounding tissue to remove it all, although they said it was just under the skin, and not attached to anything. He is home and eating well.
Mark and the Girls

It was great seeing all the family again, I even saw one of my nieces that I have not seen for about 14 years, she and her family immigrated to America.

The Golden Couple

Ok, the party started, unfortunately I could not dance but had fun watching everyone else!

On Sunday morning we had a family breakfast and Mark's dad gave a lovely speech that had us all in tears! And surprised Audrey with a gift!

Ok, enough photos, time for "business" LOL!
Design by Tina has a beautiful new Autumn kit and wordart in her store at ESS
Colours of the Wind

And the fabulous $1 sale in her store- look at these gorgeous kits for only $1
Dreaming of Paris

KimB Designs has a Style Grab bag going up on Monday, you do not want to miss this one!! Trust me they are awesome!!! 7 Styles for only $5!!

And I used one of the styles in this freebie:) CU ok, except the samples are for personal use only!

Download here