Hello again.
I have been spending the last few days getting part 2 of Summer of Love ready. It has been slow and frustrating, with my PSP going 2 miles per hour!! But it is done eventually. I am looking forward to getting my new PC later this week or next week, and hopefully Photoshop to play with. I am determined not to let a soul touch my new baby, as at the moment my daughter shares this one with me, and it is full to capacity, so I am not surprised PSP is so slow. Thank you all for your kind comments on part 1. I must admit I have loved every minute of creating this kit, especially the birds. I am slowly feeling better, although I have still not ventured out of the house, except to take the kids to school. Great excuse for recuperating in front of my PC!!

Please tell me what you think in the comments section of my BLOG, I love reading your comments.

Thanks to An for letting me know that Glory created this!!
Thanks Jen-so cute!!!
Thanks for the lovely freebie.
The "Thank You" tag was created by a girl called Glory for a challenge of mine. I dont have any contact details for her right now, but I will let you know when I find out.
Love the new kit! Colors are great! Thanks so much.
Summer of Love is so Fresh and Beautiful. I really like it a lot! Thanks so much!
It is a lovely kit - thank you!
Thank you for another piece to your Summer of love kit!Its soooo awesome!
The only reason psp is slow is because your using it on an old computer! 12 x 12 300 dpi will bog down any computer....especially when using alot of layers!
personally i think this standard is too extreme!
fran b
Thank you for the really fun and bright freebie. i love that punch of purple!
Hi, Jenni! I'm glad to see you are recuperating. Thanks for this so darling kit. I just realized the birds' beaks are little hearts. What a clever detail! It's really a great kit!
I love the colors you used and those lovebirds are adorable. Thank you so much.
Merci beaucoup j'aime beaucoup ce kit et ses jolies couleurs!
Wow this is AWESOME!!!!!
TY so very much for parts 1 & 2!!
Thank you for sharing more of this fantastic kit. Love the bold colors and strong elements.
Magnifique kit !!!
un grand merci pour ce partage
The summer kits are adorable. Thank you so much.
Thanks for part 2. I left thanks on 4shared for part 1.
Thanks so much! :)
Adorable kit. Thank you for sharing!
This is such a fun kit. I especially like your little birds. Thank you for sharing. Hugs
Lovin' all parts of this kit so far! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this nifty freebie. You are really generous and you are appreciated.
This is so cute, thank you!
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