You can get the next part of the blog train at Christie Lemon Designs Blog
Please remember everyone is on different time zones and all posts will be posted soon!
Keep checking on my blog for more news coming soon!
You can get the next part of the blog train at Christie Lemon Designs Blog
Please remember everyone is on different time zones and all posts will be posted soon!
Keep checking on my blog for more news coming soon!
Posted by
5:05 PM
Some pics of the outside of our holiday house
I will put some pics of the inside here another day,time for bed!!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!
Posted by
9:15 PM
I can't believe we have been here for a week already. The weather has been awesome but today it is cloudy, windy and I am sure it is going to rain. It will give us all a rest from the heat and sun!Here are a few more photos of what we have been up to!
This is an African themed restaurant we went to called Moyo.
Fun in the sun at our pool, look at the huge Mojito we made!
Yesterday we had lunch at the waterfront in Gordon's Bay.
Ok, another small hint as to what is happening next year. I will be selling at a brand new site which is opening in January!!! I am so excited as it is really going to be a fun and special site!
Posted by
9:25 AM
We left for Cape Town at 4.30am on Sunday morning, and decided to drive straight through instead of sleeping over somewhere. We got here at about 10pm on Sunday night and fell into bed!We had a disastrous day on Monday as Mark woke up with his elbow terribly swollen and very painful so we spent hours at the ER where he was sent for xrays and then to an orthopedic surgeon who had to drain out some fluid, and he is back on antibiotics.
The weather here is beyond hot, almost unbearable as far as I am concerned, but the kids love it and are already so tanned. Yesterday I spent the day with Bonnie my sister and brother and family who live in New Zealand but are here on vacation. I have not seen them for 3 years so it was really wonderful seeing them again.
I have recently bought the same camera as Bonnie and she gave me some lessons on how to use it, I was so excited about the close ups I took!
Posted by
2:39 PM
We have been on a high all day from the fumes as they fiberglassed the pool! It is 7.30 pm here and they are still painting ! But it is looking great. We went for blues, which reminds me of the beautiful pools we saw in Greece. We wanted contrast with the rest of the earthy colours around
Posted by
7:24 PM
I thought I would show you some photos of my garden as all you ever see if concrete and paving! These are some of my pot plants that normally stand around the pool, they are currently in a heap out of the way of plaster and fiberglass, but they are going to need a good clean after this!Just a few shots of my garden, it is small, and I have never really done much to it since we have been here as we had 2 labs that destroyed anything that was planted. Unfortunately we had to put them both down this year due to old age and diabetes. I would like to do some work in it next year.
Although a small garden, we have some huge palm trees, I would love to know how old they are!This is around our front entrance, I love how the palm tree branches are so low, and how the ivy and ferns grow up the trunk!
And from outside the yard.The jacuzzi completed and working, all the paving is done!
And the martini seat is done, the fiberglass and mosaics go on tomorrow and the water in on Saturday!And then lots of work to finish everything off, like the light fittings, getting my plants back, painting and finishing the cladding and all the cleaning up!! Just Pamela's beautiful LO to show you with Reves de l'amour:
And one I did with the Charity kit, Allison's Fairytale, this is my niece Emma
The good news is that I have signed up to sell again from next year, but it is a surprise at the moment, so watch this space. Although I am very sad to leave Digital Candy, this is going to be fresh and new and exciting!! Watch this space!
And I have a new addition to my digital family- a brand new notebook, I am so excited. My son works in IT support and managed to get it for me at an excellent price, he is setting everything up for me tonight all ready to take with me on vacation, I told you I was an addict! This is my first PC with Vista- HELP!!
Posted by
3:49 PM